Thursday, October 12, 2006

Gymnasium #9 Tenth graders

I went to Novosibirsk to visit Olga’s 10th grade English class. I was studying the phrase book intently and nearly missed the jitney stop at the station. The jitney pulled over and I was the only one to exit. There was a lot of chatter at me but I didn’t understand and proceeded to get out. Don’t know if I was supposed to wait for a different exit spot or what. Oh well.

Alina, Arpinia, Olga, and Yana

At the school, two students, Yana and Arpinia, met me at the front door. Olga told me that this class had met Chuck Ritchie last year when he was here. I told them that I couldn’t be as good a teacher as Chuck but that I’d try to be a good visitor.

When Olga’s classes were finished, we went to the library so that she could show me a student’s translation work which was on a floppy disk. She introduced me to Galina who Olga described as the “Queen of the Book Kingdom” and a good friend.

When we were finished with the computer, Galina presented me with a book about Novosibirsk. It is in Russian, of course, but perhaps some day, I may be able to read it. I haven’t been any other place where visitors are showered with such generosity.

Olga invited me to stay for tea which I did. She brought out an electric pot to heat the water, produced cups, place mat, a choice of tea, and some cookies. This was my introduction to Choco-Pies. Remember the Nabisco cookies made with a cookie base topped with marshmallow and dipped in chocolate? I can't remember its name but it was my favorite childhood cookie: I was in heaven.


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