Friday, November 03, 2006


This was the primary palace of the Joseon Dynasty. It was built in 1395 by its founder, King Taejo. Most of the 200 buildings that made up Gyeongbokgung were destroyed in 1910 when the Japanese annexed Korea. In the 1990s, the Korean government began restoring and rebuilding the palace and its grounds. This afternoon we wandered among the many buildings and gardens.

The main gate into the palace compound.

Detail of the gate with a view of Geunjeongjeon.

Geunjeongjeon is the main palace building. State ceremonies were held here and foreign dignitaries were received. It was built in 1395; destroyed during the Japanese Invasion of 1592; and rebuilt in 1867.

This is a detail of the upper walls and ceiling of this grand building.

More to follow...


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